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Randy started his third year of classes at the U of A as a Senior Razorback.  He is taking two history classes and so far, so good.  As any proud wife would do, I took a first day of class photo:

Randy Fall 2015 U of A

Randy Fall 2015 U of A

He looks so collegiate!  I started my third decade of driving the carpool.  I am getting pretty good at it.

At the end of the week, we had to deal with some family issues, that proved to be fraught with peril!  Everyone survived, but we ended the week worn out.  Saturday, Randy and I decided to run away from home.  We headed to Eureka Springs for the day, to attend a VW car show.  The car show was packed, so we headed downtown to do some sightseeing and grab lunch.  We went to a tea room and enjoyed a fabulous meal.  We headed back to the car show, lucked out on parking and spent some time looking at the cars.  Here are the pictures:



Darling car and the guy isn't bad either

Darling car and the guy isn’t bad either

If only I liked to camp

If only I liked to camp

My favorite color

My favorite color

My other favorite color

My other favorite color

Many varied VW's

Many varied VW’s



Another Porsche

Another Porsche

And more

And more

This was a large show and we enjoyed it.  I have always wanted a vintage VW, but with the resident ’62 Corvette, we do not have room for another car.

Randy's '62

Randy’s ’62

I guess I will survive without a VW.

On Sunday morning we woke up to a 1000′ slip and slide outside our front door.  The event had started setting up at 2 a.m. and would have sliders from 9 am to 9 pm.  It appears that lots and lots of people enjoyed the Slide the City event.  We watched people come and go all day long.  Our front porch is the best place in town to do people watching!

Slide the City 2015

Slide the City 2015

People everywhere

People everywhere

1000' slip and slide

1000′ slip and slide

All in all, things are going well around here.  The town has filled up with students and football starts in a week.  It always takes a few weeks to get used to a new normal after the calm of summer, but so far so good.

Let us know how you are spending your time!

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3 Responses to VW’s, Water Slides and the Start of a New Semester

  1. mj says:

    Fabulous pictures!!!!

  2. Emily says:

    Where’s the pictures of you and dad going down the slip and slide!?

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