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I just realized that I am old, frumpy and not a hipster!  That makes for a very icky week, in my opinion.  This is the story of how it happened.

Randy and I went to an event recently where they took our picture with Old Main in the background.  When the picture was delivered and opened, I was shocked to see that I did not look like I thought I did.  Who is that lady?  Suffice it to say, I do not often look in mirrors.  Here is the photo:

Who is this lady with Randy?

Who is this lady with Randy?

Well, that was bad enough but then I read an article on a craft fair I wanted to attend.  Here is the link.  One of the quotes that left me feeling a tad bit OLD was this one; “The Perrodin couple knows how to carefully walk the line of hipsterdom, and they are doing just that with their indie craft show, the Little Craft Show.”  And than this one was the nail in the proverbial coffin; “Their customers enjoy drinking siphon-brewed Ethiopian Harrar for their morning cup of Joe, and the Perrodins know that their audience really enjoys the subtle art of picking an Instagram filter”.  Maybe, just maybe, I will still go, but really, they might not want me there!  After all, I drink Folgers!

The week was not all bad.  I created some shoe uppers that, hopefully, will get made into “real” shoes.  I am happy with the pattern so take a look:

Shoe uppers

Shoe uppers

I am hoping to finish them before Thanksgiving but will have to procure a band saw and a belt sander.  This “mature” lady is all about the power tools!  I am also making some additional leather iPad cases and might just reopen the ETSY store.

This week also had strange weather.  One day began at 19 degrees and this morning began with a temperature of 66 degrees.  I think we topped out today with 75 degrees, but a cold front is headed our way.  I guess this is a typical November.  I could do without the raging wind, which has the ability to mess with my psyche!

Wow, maybe it is the wind’s fault that I am feeling old, frumpy and not very hipsterish.  Did I mention I never look into mirrors?

Okay, that is really it for now.

As always, I love comments.

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7 Responses to Old, Frumpy and Not a Hipster! What?

  1. Emily says:

    Love those shoes, and can’t wait to see the finished product!

  2. Charlotte Liddeke says:

    I love you, Cathy, so I really don’t care what you look like!! Hey, I don’t even know what a hipster is. . . . .but then, I’m older than you are.

  3. mj says:

    Trust me, I hate the way I look in photos! I think everyone does. And I’ve never heard of “siphon-brewed Ethiopian Harrar.” 🙂

  4. Pat says:

    But just think of all the wisdom we mature ladies have!!

  5. Beth says:

    Bleh! That article took me to hipster hell! That being said, I think the craft fair looks like fun!

  6. catherine says:

    Thanks Charlotte, MJ, Pat and Beth for the comments. I feel better already. Beth, I loved “hipster hell” as that is exactly the way I felt. Thanks for putting it so concisely.

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